Alltid beundrat..

2011-10-05, 22:33:43 / Kategori: Allmänt

... min paint-konst. Den är verkligen ensam i sitt slag. Om engelskan är fail, så är det okej. Jag är faktiskt trött.


2011-10-05, 20:42:09 / Kategori: Allmänt

Struntar i senaste 2 inläggen. Jag är faktiskt för lat.
Idag har jag gjort några helt sjuka saker. Busat en hel del, som kanske gått över styr? Nej jag vet inte, jag hade iaf lite skoj och det var väl huvudsaken!
Har även ringt ridskolan idag och fått besked att jag kunde börja rida redan imorgon, så imorgon efter skolan bär det av mot Högbo Ridklubb för dressyrspecial - så himla nervös!
Det kanske låter skumt, men jag är verkligen nervös. Känns som om jag har press på mig att jag ska ha utvecklats en massa eller så bara för att jag har gått 1 år på Strömsholms ridsportgymnasium. Grejen är att jag mest har utvecklat sitsen, och inte inverkan - och sitsen kommer ju förstöras lite när jag tvingas att rida i allroundsadel, haha ilandsproblemet nr1!

Ska FÖRSÖKA bli aktiv på bloggen igen. Bara det att jag vill skaffa mig en bra kamera, min gamla är trasig och den har nog gått till historien så att säga.
En bra kamera och då skulle det bli mycket roligare att uppdatera bloggen, och läsa den dessutom! ;)

Idag bjuder jag på en hästbild baraa för att det kan ha lite med dagens tema att göra. Tänk att jag ska rida imorgon för första gången sedan jag var och jobbade på midsommarveckan på Sjöstjärnan!! LÄSKIGT.

Bild på Rolf Göran Bengtsson och Ninja La Silla som faktiskt vann EM guld för någon veckasedan, KUNG!

30 days of HP

2011-10-02, 23:15:06 / Kategori: Allmänt

Detta är vad 30 inlägg kommer att handla om i framtiden.

30 days of Harry Potter

Day 1: Favorite book in the series.
Day 2: Least favorite book in the series.
Day 3: Favorite character.
Day 4: Favorite villian.
Day 5: Saddest moment.
Day 6: Favorite professor.
Day 7: Least favorite professor.
Day 8: Favorite subject.
Day 9: Least favorite subject.
Day 10: Favorite shop in Diagon Alley.
Day 11: Most handsome character.
Day 12: Most beautiful character.
Day 13: Most missed dead character.
Day 14: Favorite book cover.
Day 15: Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament challenge.
Day 16: Favorite Hogwarts house.
Day 17: Favorite animagus.
Day 18: Favorite unforgivable curse.
Day 19: Favorite horcrux.
Day 20: Funniest moment.
Day 21: Most emotional moment.
Day 22: Aspired Quidditch position.
Day 23: Whose pantronus is your favorite?
Day 24: Your own patronus.
Day 25: Favorite Dursley.
Day 26: Favorite wand.
Day 27: Favorite magical ability.
Day 28: Favorite death eater.
Day 29: Favorite Hogwarts portrait.
Day 30: Favorite spell.

Snodde idéen från ;)
Detta kommer inte betyda att jag kommer blgoga varje dag. Men jag kommer att skriva om dessa 30 iaf ;)


2011-09-23, 21:50:32 / Kategori: Allmänt
av att bara vara.
Slippa tänka på kärlek, krångel, bråk eller andra problem. Bara flyta med livet och ta saker som dem kommer, inte oroa sig för något. Bara vara. Vara sig själv.

Vart tog det vägen? Flög med vinden och förde mig iväg till ett ställe dit jag inte hittar.

Herregud alltså. Jag känner mig jätte konstig nu förtiden, har inte alls det självförtroende jag hade, känner inte alls samma sak om mig själv som jag gjorde förut. Det är som om det är något som skaver på hjärtat, men jag kan inte komma på vad. Jag har fortfarande rätt bra självförtroende och så men det går ju inte att jämföra med det jag hade förut. Vart tusan tog jag vägen?

Ni som känner mig riktigt bra, ni kan ju lista ut vad som fick detta att hända, eftersom det nyss var en stor sak i mitt liv som ändrades. Men ändå, har det verkligen med det att göra? Verkligen?

Känner att det här inte blev det mest intressanta spexfyllda inlägg, men vatusan, jag skriver vad jag vill i min blogg. Nu känner jag för att skriva djupt, då gör jag  det.

Hoppas ni får en trevlig helg, det kommer jag nog inte ha med tanke på allt jag måste göra ..


2011-09-15, 17:27:01 / Kategori: Allmänt
Jag insåg att jag behövde ett ställe att blogga endast svenska på. Eller ja, mest svenska i alla fall. Stannar, och ska bli mer aktiv. Tro det eller ej. Behöver nog få skriva ut ibland, så ja. Hoppas vi ses här!

waatch our

2011-09-06, 17:55:21 / Kategori: Allmänt
and I was like eeeeooh I think i'm moving on to my TUMBLRRRRRRRRRRRRR yeah guys. That's it.

On the other hand;

2011-08-24, 17:09:45 / Kategori: Allmänt
Det här är vad ett twilightfan argumenterar om.. (obs, jag bör upplysa över att det här var ändå den MOGNASTE av alla de kommentarer jag läste från twilightfans, övriga stod det endast typ "twilight är mycket bättre för alla karaktärer är dösnygga"...)

First thank you for not trashin us twilighters. You want to know reasons twilight is better? Twilight is about vampires, not about kids sayin stuff like abra kadabra. Twilight is more mature. It has more romance and has a better plot! Hey and HPrules I am giving reasons and RP is so freakin ugly. And you know what? Stephanie Meyer has used her imagination! Im only 11. But i still know alot. I read all of the HP series. It was OK. But this fight should end they are both even. Do you want to let this fight trash our relationships with other people? IF anyone dares to disagree reply to this. I do not like the actors in twilight(exept taylor lautner) But the thing is Bella in Breaking Dawn is Willing to risk her life for her daughter. And the whole fight is about her daughter. Bella is a really good character deep inside. Jacob leaves his pack to save bella. SM really knows how to write. And i cried when edward left Bella in new moon. SM can stir up good emotions.

Seems really true doesn't it?

Twilight has a better plot
Hp is about kids sayin stuff like abra kadabra; ey, this girl hasn't tried to read a HP book
Stephanie Meyer has used her imagination; HAHAHAHA?? She just wrote another love story about vampires, like that didn't exist? Rowling insted, actually USED her imagination and created creatures that never existed before.
Im only 11; yeah that may explain a lot..
Bella is willing to risk her life for her daughter; Yeah that's really great. But wait.. Why dosen't Harrys mother live? Yeah, now i remember. She risked her life for her only son ...

176 reasons why HP is better than Twilight

2011-08-24, 16:53:24 / Kategori: Allmänt
Twilight Saga Vs Harry Potter har blivit lite av en trend. Antingen gillar man de ena eller andra. Det är i alla fall så det oftast fungerar. Undantag finns, och jag tycker att det är jätte trevligt att det faktiskt finns folk som tycker att både böckerna/filmerna är väldigt bra.
Själv så är jag tyvärr inte en av dem, jag älskar Harry Potter över hela mitt hjärta, men jag ogillar Twilight. Markera OGILLA, men jag hatar inte.
Personligen tycker jag att det är väldigt roligt att läsa diskussioner om vilken av sagorna som är bäst, och det är roligt att se vad folk skriver om de olika sakerna..
Här tänkte jag bara visa 176 anledningar som skrivits på ett ställe. Dessa anledningar är både seriösa, och lite mer oseriösa - men roliga!
En person som kallar sig för "Slytherin_Forever!" skrev såhär på en hemsida:

Reasons why HP is better than Twilight:

1. Harry isn’t a sparkling, gay, 108 year old virgin that won’t brush his hair Edward Cullen is.

2. We have a theme song

3. The characters in Harry Potter are much more complex, developed, and more artfully described than those of Twilight.

4. Many of the themes of Twilight to be superficial whereas those of HP are deeper, more substantial.

5. The world of Harry Potter is original and whimsical, Twilight’s is more practical, realistic, and therefore boring.

6. HP is, simply put, a well-written and thought out story. Twilight, on the other hand, leaves something to be desired.

7. It has a better story line.

8. It’s not all, I love him I love him I love him He’s soooooo hot I love him I love him He broke my heart but I still love him I’m going to hook up with a werewolf then commit suicide so he’ll come back to me so we can get married right after high school and have a mutant baby

9. It is a longer series. Twilight does not deserve to be called a saga; it is not long enough

10. People didn’t put their own mythical creatures that sparkle in it.

11. We have a parody. A MUSICAL parody. AVPM rocks

12. We have logic and we aren’t afraid to use it

13. Who needs super strength when you have Avada Kedavra?

14. Potter fans generally have extensively accurate grammar and spelling, in conjunction with a more sophisticated vocabulary than twitards.

15. Face it. All of us would rather be a Weasley than a Cullen.

16. Voldemort and his Death Eaters are better villains than James, Victoria, and the Volturi.

17. “Potter beats Sparkle Boy ”

18. People caption lolcats and loldogs with HP references. The only time they caption them with a Twilight reference is to bash it.

19. Harry Potter is a whole new world. . . .twilight is more of the same: vampires vs werewolves.

20. Dementors are insanely more dangerous than vampires.

21. Because of Harry Potter it is considered hot when a guy has a British accent.

22. HP is about courage and standing up to evil. Twilight is about lust for your sparkly boyfriend.

23. HP has much, much more detail.

24. HP created a new genre of music: Wizard Wrock.

25. HP is relatively kid-friendly.

26. We actually have cool, intelligent characters.

27. Harry Potter took longer to write.

28. We have a theme park and we know why you don’t

29. JKR actually invented most of her ideas, instead of re-using ideas of vampires/werewolves, like Meyer.

30. Hermione would own Bella in a fight.

31. Rob Pattinson was in Harry Potter first.

32. People can snog without worrying if they’re going to kill the other person.

33. It’s a real love story; not cliched love.

34. Quidditch Enough said.

35. We don’t have to listen to Bella whining about Edward and Jacob all day long, because seriously, Bella, Harry had it way worse than you. Would you have willingly have given yourself up to save your friends? No, because your over-protective, emo boyfriend wouldn’t have let you.

36. There’s actually an antagonist in Harry Potter.

37. The Harry Potter actors CAN ACTUALLY ACT.

38. Harry Potter actually HAS A PLOT.

39. When someone says, I don’t like Harry Potter, the Harry Potter fans say, Okay, that’s your opinion. But if someone says, I don’t like Twilight, the Twitards are all You’re just jealous You suck It’s amazing You’re stupid Blah, blah, blah…

40. Harry Potter does not contradict itself nearly as much as Twilight does.

41. Harry Potter has depth and is well-developed.

42. JKR actually understands her own characters

43. Twilight is full of grammatical mistakes.

44. Harry Potter is a classic. Twilight is just a fad that will be forgotten in a few years.

45. JKR isn’t an idiot. Meyer on the other hand. . .

46. What is the moral of Twilight? Hmm? Really good message, huh?

47. Special effects. Must I explain?

48. Harry Potter doesn’t say that all kids under the age of 16 are idiots.

49. Harry is a much better protagonist than Bella, who is the most pathetic excuse for a protagonist in the history of forever.

50. Ron + Hermione is better than ANY Twilight love.

51. Rowling understands that good guys can be ugly and bad guys can be pretty.

52. JKR understands that people are good AND bad, it’s the choices you make that count. You aren’t either all good or all bad.

53. Mary-sues and Gary-stus are not EVER meant to be main characters. They are characters with little to no personality and generally only has one personality feature if any. So Bella being a damsel that fawns over some guy and Edward who is stuck on his vanity shiz. Yeah. . . . Good thing he won’t die

54. Over half of twilight is Bella describing the way Edward looks only feeding to his self-obsession. Bella may be in love with Edward but Edward is to good for Edward…

55. A second love interest always make things interesting. . . The thing with Edward and Bella was weird and then she adds in Jacob. . . .

56. Again the characters. They have no problems No flaws, no incapabilities, no problems with themselves… That is a key to the base of character creating.

57. Adding a different adjective to every damn noun does not make it good writing *clears throat* Yes, Stephenie. We are talking to you.

58. The deadly repeating element. *Bella almost dies* Oh noes Oh, wait. . . Edward saved her. . . . . .again.
59. The male characters in Twilight have no realism about them because they all fall for Bella who has no personality and is so plain

60. Meyer’s main character, Edward, depicts the perfect guy as an abusive, controlling, and mysterious self-centered guy. . . .pathetic excuse for a boy if you ask me.

61. Perfect characters + horrible writing techniques = No self conflict = Pointless Story. YAY MATH

62. Witches and Wizards pwn vampires and werewolves in a fight. Hello That one is just plain obvious.

63. Harry potter is an amazing series. It is witty, imaginative, entertaining, thought provoking and beautifully written. A person of any age can read Harry Potter and get completely wrapped up in the story. Mainly, it is the way the story is written, it is an entirely new world, all created and every question answered by Rowling.

64.A lot of girls like Twilight because the characters are “good looking.” Lets take Edward out of the story, or make him ugly. Are you still obsessed over it?

65. Rowling’s world engulfs you, transports you into a completely different universe. She’s created languages, species, and a plethora of spells. So much detail has gone into the creation of this world that it’s hard to not get lost in it. In contrast, the world that Meyer has created in Forks, Washington is just like the city: kind of boring and bland with a lack of diversity. The vampire back story is sloppy and kind of cheesy and the little bit of history we see of the werewolves in Twilight is tired and unimaginative. And that’s all there is. Clearly Twilight is less occupied with giving us a world we can live in than it is in shoving a tedious love story down our throats.

66.One of the hardest things to do is relate to kids. Educators struggle with it constantly. If you attempt to talk to them as if you’re one of them, it can come off as condescending, belittling, and at worst, stupid. This is exactly what Twilight does. It feels like that teacher you had in school who would say things like “dude” and “tubular” and “do you dig it?” This is the hip-hoppin’ grandpa. Harry Potter never talks down to its audience, frequently putting common youthful feelings of loss, sexual awkwardness, and friendship at the forefront of its themes. While Potter is fighting He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (but I shall do it anyway: VOLDEMORT ), he is also dealing with complicated relationships that suffer due to jealousy and lying. Even though Potter deals with things that a boy his age never should and probably never would, he never feels older than he is. On the other hand, Twilight’s characters are stuck as caricatures, merely archetypes with no real voices or unique voices

67. It has REAL VAMPIRES. Not the teenage ones that sparkle in the sun. . . .like fairy dust.
68. Lets compare the settings. Forks vs. Hogwarts. The latter is an old castle filled with magic and beauty. Forks is a boring, rainy town with about 4 sunny days a year. Who wants to live there anyway? ?

69. HP doesn’t repeat its self for 4 books.

70. HP surprises you every time. You can guess what is going to happen next in Twilight.

71. The leading lady (Herimone) isn’t a whinny, dependent, self-absorbed little girl.

72. The HP characters have personalities and real relationships with each other, instead of stupid, hormone driven teenagers that represent sex symbols.

73. HP teaches good morals. While Twilight teaches people it’s ok to be a creeper and give your life away for a high school lover.

74. The characters don’t get married right out of high school and go off to a deserted island that was given to somebody as a gift to have sex and make a mutant baby.

75. Our fanfics and parodies aren’t better than the real thing.

76. He was Cedric first, and he actually had heard of HP before doing the movies. He admitted that he had no clue what Twilight was when he auditioned. . . .I’d bet that he wishes he never did.

77. We don’t run around kissing large dogs because, “It reminded me of Jacob Black ”

78. The Slytherin common room is underwater, and that is flippin’ AWESOME

79. We don’t need super speed; we can just apparate (which, by the way, is MUCH faster. Almost instantaneous).

80. JK is not afraid to sacrifice the good guys.

81. You can relate Harry Potter to WWII. Because of similarities you could learn some history from the books.

82. Reason 81 being said, some characters are loosely based off real life people Dumbledore = Winston Churchill, Voldemort = Hitler, Death Eaters = Nazi’s

83. Harry Potter teaches a good deal about prejudice and slavery with the use of different imaginative creatures (which also required research to create).

84. Twilight WILL fad out. It is a fad and many fans are on it because of the Bandwagon effect and because Robert Patterson is “good looking,” but Harry Potter will be around forever.

85. The female characters are strong and intelligent. Hermione doesn’t NEED a boyfriend to be a strong good role model for girls everywhere.

86. Even Rob Pattinson says he hates Edward Cullen and played him like a manic-depressive.

87. The villains are villains for a reason. They’re not just bad without explanation. J K Rowling explained Voldemort and other Death Eaters and showed why they went bad.

88. It’s not just one genre, like Twilight. It has humor, adventure, action, romance, fantasy, there’s even an adolescent or coming-of-age element. The multiple genres add to the story significantly by being so diverse.

89. Harry Potter is not based off of a dream the author had. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. -Albus Dumbledore

90. JKR does not define the perfect man as over-protective, abusive, stalker-like, and over-bearing.

91. The movies = a great cast of awesome, British actors

92. To add to the reading more reason: Many Twilight fans say that they did not read very much before twilight came out. Then, they say, they started reading. However, every thing they read is compared to twilight, even if there are not many similarities.
A twitard said this: wel befor i read twilight i neva red anything befor and its the best book eva so i think i noe wot im talking about. WHAAAT?

93. The characters change with their ages, did you notice that Bella was in school a year or two longer than she was supposed to be?

94. When characters die, they aren’t just side characters or villains. She actually has some good-guys die to make it realistic.

95. Harry Potter has been around for over 10 years, and it still has a huge fan base. Twilight’s been around for 5 or so years, and there are as many haters as there are fans.

96. You can read a Potter book multiple times and find it just as amazing as before. When you read HP you actually feel like you are in the book along with the characters. Not so much for Twilight.

97. I don’t care if Bella ate a Granola Bar for breakfast and I don’t care about reading about how good-looking Edward is for the hundredth time. It just gets boring

98. Two words: Albus Dumbledore Need I say more?
99. I’m getting really tired of the whole Harry Potters too hard to read and understand argument that twitards put up. HP is on a 5-6th grade reading level. If you’re above 5th or 6th grade and you find Harry Potter to be a difficult read, chances are you’re just stupid.

100. Little things turn out to be very important i.e. the locket in OotP the bug in Hermione’s hair, secret keepers, Snape begging Harry to look at him and so much more

101. We watch the movies because we love the characters and because we want to see if the movie is living up to the book. Twitards watch Twilight for the guys. Pathetic.

102. Have you even read some of the stuff on Pathetic to the utmost.

103. All potter fans may be nerds, yet not all nerds need be potter fans.


105. Appeals to boys AND girls.

106. The Harry Potter series ended in a more realistic way: there were casualties. Fred died; George got his ear cursed off; Dumbledore and Sirius died. Somehow in the Twilight series, Bella ended up with everything she could have wanted and a perfect life.

107. Harry, Ron and Hermione mature as the book progressed. Bella, if possible, became more childish.

108. There are no pedophiles.

109. Harry is not a stalker. He has never watched Ginny in her sleep.

110. Rowling obviously knows how to edit her writing.

111. Bella fears that she will be older than Edward, impossible; Edward is over 100 years old. She will NEVER be older than him. Ever.

112. Vampires can’t apparate.

113. Twilight is extremely sexist and encourages women to submit to the “superiority” of men and prevent them from becoming strong independent figures like Ginny or Hermione or Professor McGonagall.

114. The Cullens have been around for hundreds of years and the ONLY thing they can think of to do all day is go to high school?

115. One character in Harry Potter has more complexity than ALL of the Twilight characters put together.

116. Potter. Puppet. Pals.

117. Many Potter fans grew up along with Harry, Ron and Hermione; therefore creating a connection with them. Twilight will NEVER be able to duplicate.

118. Snakes talk.

119. Harry Potter titles make sense. How did Meyer come up with her titles? Did she pull them out of her butt?

120. Four words: A. Very. Potter. Musical.

121. And Fred’s eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last smile still etched upon his face. HOW DOES THAT NOT MAKE YOU CRY? ?

122. There is no comic relief in Twilight.

123. Harry Potter has the support of My Life is Average. Twilight had to create its own website to get any recognition.

124. Twilight is Stephenie Meyer’s sexual fantasy. JKR came up with Harry Potter.

125. Harry Potter has never ruined friendships. (Edward vs. Jacob)

126. AVPM Draco.

127. Bella blatantly disregards her father’s rules by letting Edward into her room at night. Harry Potter instills better family values than Twilight.

128. Charlie is the STUPIDEST cop in the entire world I mean, he’s sleeping in the next room and he doesn’t hear them talking? ? And, Edward is in Bella’s CLOSET when he comes in. Epic fail, dude.

129. If the assumption that Bella and Edward are like Romeo and Juliet, they would have had to die. James and Lily died to protect their son.

130. People remain loyal to each other in HP. Jacob left his family for a person who didn’t love him. Alice left her family without telling them just to follow a hunch.

131. Meyer gave away the ENTIRE plot of the book by putting the quote on the back of the book. Really, all you need to do is read the back and that’s all you need to know about Twilight.

132.Ginny understood that Harry needed to fight Voldemort, and accepted it. Bella made a fuss and didn’t let Edward protect the town against a swarm of vampires.

133. No one dies in Twilight.
134. Appeals to kids and adults.

135. Meyer’s werewolves are wimps. Fenrir Greyback? He is completely badass.

136. Stephen King has never told JKR that she cannot write.

137. Robert Pattinson plays a better character in HP than Twilight (he has admitted that he, too, does not like Edward).

138. He was Cedric first

139. Bella gets everything she wants. Harry and his friends must make sacrifices.

140. Draco Malfoy vs. Lauren. Who do YOU think would win?

141. There are no annoying love triangles.

142. JKR EXPLAINS everything. Why Snape hated Harry but saved his life whenever he was in trouble. Why Ludo Bagman kept helping Harry. Why Draco turned out to be so insecure… It isn’t like that in Twilight. Some things are explained and some things are not. Connect the pieces; please… it makes a story better.

143. Rowling fights. Meyer talks it out. 50 points to Rowling

144. Besides her clinginess, Bella does not resemble a real life teenager.

145. Even the secondary characters are endearing.

146. The characters have more colorful names, i.e. Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, and Viktor Krum vs. Mike, Angela, and Jessica.

147. Bella, after having NO experience in relationships, decides that the first handsome boy she meets is her soul mate. Harry, after a brief period with Cho Chang, falls for his best friend’s sister, who also happens to be his friend as well.

148. The Cullens are idolized and envied, whereas Harry, Ron and Hermione have many friends, but they also have a lot of enemies. What’s life without conflict?

149. Hermione is always shown studying or reading and getting top marks in all her classes. Bella somehow manages to pass all of her classes without doing any homework. Which sets a better example for girls? Hmmm. . . .Yeah. THAT’S a hard question.

150. When Bella got Edward back, she forgave him for lying to her and making her fall into depression. When Ron came back in DH, Hermione beat the crap out of him for walking out on her. Go Hermione

151. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry vs. Forks High School. PWN

152. Edward can’t read Bella’s thoughts because she doesn’t have any At least JKR’s characters have a brain of their own

153. Twilight teaches kids that abusiveness is selflessness.”

154. Meyers attempt at creepy characters was an epic fail.

155. The old people in Harry Potter actually look old.

156. The girls in HP can actually beat up/protect their boyfriends

157. Harry is not afraid to face the dark side.

158. Twitards claim that Twilight is better because it is an “Epic Love Story.” Yeah, right

159. Adjectives

160. Battles

161. Hermione is a badass. Bella is worthless.

162. In Harry Potter there aren’t as many unintentional “LOL” moments.

163. The fans.

164. Most of our actors are actually hot. The only people who are “good looking” in Twilight is Carlisle and Jacob.

165. It look’s like Edward made a peace treaty with his face

166. There’s this thing, we call it a plot. Harry Potter has one, Twilight does not.

167. There are many twists and turns that capture your interest and keep you guessing. Twilight, on the other hand, is utterly boring and predictable.

168. Even though they’re wizards, the characters are easy to relate to. They have actual flaws and problems. It is really hard to relate to a character that is absolutely perfect aside from his one flaw of being a blood-thirsty, abusive, sparkling vampire.

169. JKR isn’t being sued for plagiarism.

170. It has depth and layers. In short, people don’t just read it for the hot guys.

171. Small details that don’t seem important at the beginning of the series become important at the end of the series.

172. Most of the plot holes (or the major ones any way) were tied up by the end of the seventh book.

173. The Characters in Harry Potter are, smart, funny, dumb, awkward, ridiculous, anxious. They’re realistic. JKR never passes off the thought to give her characters flaws. Because all people have flaws Even sparkly vampires Even if they are perfect.

174. JKR doesn’t contradict/break every rule she made.

175. The books were actually thought out from the very beginning, so everything tied together neatly.

176. Consistency is key in a series of books.

177. You can actually learn something worth-while from Harry Potter. I can’t say I really learned any important life lessons from Twilight. Not honestly, anyway.

178. Because books should allow you to use your imagination to fill in the blanks, rather than describe everything to you every five pages.

179. Meyer thinks her readers are too dumb to understand what’s in the book and has to explain everything thoroughly, over and over again. J.K Rowling allows the readers to think for themselves so that they can actually learn.

180. Because when J.K Rowling uses big words, she uses them right, and in the proper context.

181. In order to write any fantasy stories, research is needed.

182. Because J.K Rowling created a whole new world for the readers to get lost in, rather than throwing magical creatures into the real world.

183. J.K Rowling included many magical creatures in her story that are far more realistic than a sparkling vampire.

184. Not all of the villians were defeated in seconds, like they are in Twilight.

185. Harry has actual problems. Tons of them. But does he spend 300 pages Stephenie Meyer and moaning about them? No He actaully does something to try and solve them.

186. Because when Harry and Ginny broke up, neither of them attempted suicide.

187. Because you can read the books over and over again, and pick up things you missed. I don’t need to read Twilight again, it was so repetitive, I doubt I missed anything.

188. Because I find a boy wizard with a lignthning bolt scar on his forehead brandishing a stick to be much more believable than a vampire that sparkles in the sunlight.

189. When J.K Rowling adds a mythical creature into her books that are supposed to be scary, SHE ACTUALLY MAKES THEM SCARY. Stephenie Meyer makes vampires look like fluffy little bunny rabbits.

190. If J.K Rowling wrote that baboons were secretly wizards in hiding, I would believe it.

191. J.K Rowling can actually write a story that draws readers in, rather than put them to sleep.

192. Because JKR actually has an editer.

193. When JKR writes a character’s back story, it actually has somethought put into it and gives you a better understanding of the character. She will bring it up multiple times and add to it, rather than just mention it once and leave it. Example: MOST of HBP is dedicated to Voldemort’s back story.

194. JKR will not insult fantasy writers by completely twisting the myths. She will take what has been written previously, add to it, maybe twist it a little but keep the same general idea.

195. Because Meyer brings a whole new meaning to the phrase rules are meant to be broken . And not in a good way.

196. Because, though the series started out as a kids book, J.K Rowling realised that her readers weren’t eight years old anymore, and she adapted the books so that they grew with the readers.

197. Because there is actually character development in the series. By the end of Breaking Dawn, the characters were still as annoying as they were at the beginning of Twilight.

198. J.K Rowling actually put thought into her characters names instead of chosing common names.

199. Renesmee Cullen? Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore laughs in his grave.

200. Harry is modest. When everyone is fawning over him because he’s famous, he wishes they would stop. He’s never looking for better friends than Ron and Hermione, he’s prfectly happy with them. Bella on the other hand is only happy if the Cullens will except her as a friend and will completely ignore anyone else.

201. Because when Harry broke up with Cho, we didn’t get six blank pages of nothing while he broods about it.

202. Because when Harry hates someone, he actually has a reason for it and therefore, we can’t help but hate them, too.

203. Because it doesn’t dwell on a persons looks.

204. Because even Dumbledore will admit that he’s not perfect.

205. Because the romance isn’t shoved in your face and obvious.

206. It is subtly complex and allows you to think for yourself.

207. The relathionships were subtly hinted at and grew throughout the series. Example: Ron and Hermione.

208. J.K Rowling will actually take time to write an intriguing summary, rather than copy and paste a snippet that gives the entire plot away.

209. Because it actually has themes that don’t contradict themselves.

210. Because the books started out happier, but then got darker and darker as Voldemort gets more powerful and Harry realises what he’s up against.

211. Because everything ties together and makes sense.

212. The foreshadowing is subtle enough that you won’t guess exactly what’s going to happen, yet
not too subtle that you think nothing is happening.

213. Over ten years later and people are still reading the books.

214. The words aren’t always perfect does not apply in the Harry Potter universe.

215. Even Stephen King thinks J.K Rowling is the better author.

216. Quantity does not always equal quality. The Twilight series could have been ended in one book.

217. JKR assumes that we understand what she is saying and doesn’t find it necassary to describe what Harry looks like every two pages.

218. JKR didn’t realize how big her fandom was until after she’d written the final book, in which she did a google search on Harry Potter and it blew her mind. Meyer admitted that Twilight was only supposed to be one book but continued writing because it was so popular.

219. Because lots of time and effort was put into the books, they were not just pulled out of someone’s Edward in a few months.

220. Harry is noble, heroic and selfless. He is willing to risk his life for people he doesn’t know or doesn’t like. Example: Draco Malfoy in the Room of Requirement. He’s a hero we can all be proud of.

221. The main female character, Hermione, is not weak, she does not rely on a man to help her and she doesn’t complain about everything that happens. She is smart, brave, loyal and spends half the series bailing Harry and Ron out of trouble.

222. Even for all of her good traits, Hermione has her flaws. She has a fiery temper and it often gets the better of her (her many fights with Ron). And she has messed up before (she failed the practical Defense exam in third year, and allowed a Death Eater to grab ahold of her while apparating in Deathly Hallows). But even with her flaws, she is a girl we can be proud of. Bella is not.

223. When J.K Rowling uses a plot device, she uses something believable and affects the plot substantially. SMeyer uses plot devices that destroy her own canon *cough*Renesmee*cough*.

224. Because the jokes in Harry Potter aren’t completely made up of sexual innuendos like they are in Twilight.

225. Because you can create a deep, personal connection with the characters in Harry Potter. Personally, I’ve formed better connections with rocks than I have with any of the Twilight characters.

226. The love that Lily had for Harry was touching and powerful. She gave up her life to save him, rather than because he died/didn’t love her. Edward and Bella’s love pales dramatically in comparison to this kind of love.

227. Because, rather than spending 100 pages describing what someone looks like, J.K Rowling actually works on creating a personality for her characters.

228. J.K Rowling isn’t afraid of killing off main characters - even if she did cry whilst writing it.

229. Harry is kind to even the smallest of magically creatures. When Dobby died, he dug the grave by hand instead of with magic as a tribute to the hardwork that Dobby devoted his life to doing. Edward Cullen looks down on humans because they aren’t the perfect sparkly bits of fluff that he is.

230. Harry is infinintly loyal to all of his friends, even if they aren’t popular. Example: In the sixth book on the train ride to Hogwarts Romilda Vane comes and invites Harry to join her and her friends in their compartment saying that he doesn’t have to sit with Neville and Luna. He refuses saying, they’re my friends. Bella left her human friends for the Cullens at first chance.

231. Harry actually had to work to succeed. Bella got everything she wanted handed to her on a silver platter. She didn’t have to work for anything. This gives a bad example to people everywhere.

232. Because the characters in Harry Potter have at least some sort of affect towards the plot. They aren’t just there for the sake of being there.

233. Because J.K Rowling doesn’t try to explain things away with science. And fail at it.

234. Because, rather than making everyone perfect , there is a variation in the characters’ looks. Not everyone is ZOMG SOO HAWT . There are the cutie pies, like Dean Thomas, and Neville, who’s cute in that awkward, dorky way. It makes the characters seem more real.

235. Because the characters in Harry Potter are willing to die for eachother, and some have. The Final Battle is proof that many of the students at Hogwarts would die to save Harry. The Cullens probably wouldn’t do the same thing, not that they were ever put in a situation that called for them to.

236. JKR follows the rules of show don’t tell .

237. No thesaurus’ were harmed in the making of Harry Potter.

238. To the best of my knowledge, Harry Potter has not ruined some of people’s favourite things. Example: music. A lot of people’s favourite bands have been destroyed because they were mentioned/had a song on the soundtrack and the Twitards have made it overly popular because of this.

239. It’s a story that I would actually want to read to my kids as a bedtime story. I wouldn’t let my kids near Twilight if they were still at the age in which I had to read to them so they could fall asleep. Especially not Breaking Dawn.

240. I don’t think anyone has ever made alternate titles to the anything in the Harry Potter books. Example: Breaking Fail, The Demon Spawn, Renespawn. And many, many more.

241. Because The Harry Potter books actually have enough content for a full length movie.

242. While fantasy stories are supposed to be impossible in comparison to real life, Twilight takes impossible to a whole new level.

243. Harry Potter shows that immortality isn’t everything. Twilight shows that if you aren’t immortal, you aren’t worth carp.

244. Because no one in Harry Potter ever complained about shitty wheater. Even if it meant that the Dementors were breeding.

245. Because Dobby the House-Elf would make a better boyfriend than Edward Cullen. He listens to you, is loyal and brave, and would do anything to help you.

246. Because J.K Rowling creates actually conflict in the series that aren’t solved as easily as snapping your fingers.

247. Because if when J.K Rowling has a battle scene at the end of a book, dammit it will have climax. -Is totally NOT referring to that epic fail of a fight scene at the end of Breaking Dawn-

248. After reading the final Harry Potter book, you are not left with more questions than answers.

249. J.K Rowling can find a less cliche way of ending a series than, and we walked into our perfect piece of forever or whatever SMeyer wrote.

250. A hobby. Bella needs to get one. Harry and Ron have Quidditch, Hermione reads and studies. All Bella does is obsess over Edward, which makes for a very boring book.

251. Twilight is drawn out way too far. J.K Rowling provd that some young adult books should be over 700 pages long. Stephenie Meyer proved that some shouldn’t be.

252. Because the hard work and dedication that J.K Rowling put into the series was evident. That Twilight lacked these two factors, was evident.

253. If J.K Rowling wrote a fight scene in which one character kills another, the person who’s point of view we’re reading in would not black out leaving us utterly clueless as to what’s going on.

254. Harry Potter would not try to pass of stalking, pedophilia, and abuse as true love .

255. Because rebelling against The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters as he rises to power makes for a better plot than anything SMeyer could possibly write.

256. Even the bad guys are kind of likeable, because they have depth and layers that you will never find in Twilight’s characters. They’re interesting.

257. It keeps you guessing. Example: Snape. No one but J.K really knew where his loyalties truly lied until one of the very last chapters of the last book.

258. Because if J.K Rowling gives a character a weird name, the names meaning reflects the character, instead of being stupid.

259. Harry Potter has a complex plot with many twists and turns. Twilight is bland.

260. Harry Potter may be repetive with the main plot. But that’s what makes it consistant. It also has many sub-plots that vary book-to-book.

261. Many people say that the Cullens are great because they are hot and rich. You know what I have to say to this? The Weasleys’. They may not be rich or well dressed. Yeah, they’re clothes and books are second hand. But they have love. And really, what more could you want? Mrs. Weasley actually killed Bellatrix for trying to kill Ginny. They are kind, loving and treat everyone as another member of the family. The Weasleys’ totally pwn the Cullens.

262. In the first Twilight book alone there are over 160 reference to Edwards so called angelic beauty. Were hit in the head with the same word so many times its exhausting. I can just imagine the things that run through Meyers head.

263. In the first Harry Potter book Alone the obsticales at the the end are more interesting then the enter twilight series alone All twilight is good for is talking, talking and more talking. Why not just call up a new episode of Dr.Phil???

264. Books should allow you to use your imagination. Not describe the wind in the trees or what Bella is having for breakfast and lunch and dinner that day.

265. The girls in HP can actually hold their own in a fight.

266. Because I find a boy-wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, brandishing a wand to be much more believable and frightening than a vampire that sparkles in the sunlight.

267. Because Twilight is just a pre-teen porn story with no character devolvement.

268. When Rowling gives weird names, they reflect the character. Ex: Sirius means Giant Dog.” Sound familiar? And what does Edward mean?? Sparkly Vampire?

269. Many people say that the Cullens are great because they are hot and rich. You know what I have to say to this? The Weasleys may not be rich or well dressed. Yeah, they’re clothes and books are second hand. But they have love. And really, what more could you want? Mrs. Weasley actually killed Bellatrix for trying to kill Ginny. They are kind, loving and treat everyone as another member of the family. The Weasleys’ totally pwn the Cullens.

270. At least it wasn’t written by a sexy-wannabe writer stay-at-home mom

271. The plot plays to intelligence, not hormones.272. HP has a story that it not entirely cliche and trashy.

273. HP deals with other things APART from telling us how unbelievably perfect some glittering vampire is.

274. It doesn’t use long adjectives to make it seem like good writing.

275. Male characters don’t dominate the females.

276. The fans of Harry Potter can take it if someone doesn’t like HP, Twilight fans can’t.

Underbar gårdag!

2011-06-13, 19:54:22 / Kategori: Allmänt

Rubrik is the shit.

Igårkväll hade vi avslutnings"fest" med klassen. Eftersom jag inte hade någon alkohol så agerade jag nykter och fick skratta åt dem andra istället.
Vi hade grymt kul och guuud vad jag kommer sakna våran underbara klass!

Sommarlovet kommer kännas evigt utan dem, om jag nu ens fortsätter gå i den klassen längre.. Mer om det senare.

Men IGÅR. Hulalal!

Lite bilder kommer senare, när jag orkar anstränga mig. Men det var roligt igår, ska gudarna veta.

SMR10 ! <3

Var möter du mig härnest?

2011-06-12, 10:24:35 / Kategori: Allmänt
Förmodligen på Sjöstjärnans ridläger?
Där kommer jag i alla fall jobba mellan den 18 Juni - 26 Juni. Lovely.

Fram tills dess har jag dock några skoldagar kvar att avklara (slutar på Onsdag), och därefter ska jag snabbt hem för att packa upp / packa i, och sedan drar jag mig neråt i Sverige mot Ulricehamn och Sjöstjärnan!

the rose

2011-05-06, 11:56:21 / Kategori: Allmänt
Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower,
And you it's only seed.

mycket som händer, lite tid

2011-03-04, 23:46:10 / Kategori: Allmänt

Ja rubriken förklarar.

Tänkte bara säga att jag tycker att världen är ganska konstig. Det känns som om jag aldrig når full lycka, fastän det är vad jag vill, fastän det är vad mina favorit citat handlar om. Fastän det är vad jag rådar alla andra.
Vad behöver jag egentligen?
För mycket.
Är det kärlek?
Jag tror inte på det just nu.
Är det pengar?
Ja det skulle ju andra skada.

Värt att tänka över

2011-02-06, 13:19:50 / Kategori: Allmänt
Sluta aldrig hoppas

Sluta aldrig be

Sluta aldrig drömma

Under kan ju ske..

rubriken utan specifikt namn

2011-02-06, 12:18:06 / Kategori: Allmänt

Nu ska jag säga det. Precis som det är, för jag vet, att där ute finns det tusentals som känner precis som jag gör.
För det jag känner är inte ovanligt.
Jag har svårt för att bli kär. Bli kär på riktigt. Det är något jag inte kan uppnå.

Detaljer tänker jag inte gå in på. Förklara exakt varför och hur jag känner. Men jag kan umgås med killar. Bara det inte blir "för mycket". Ånej, tro nu inte att jag är homosexuell, för det är jag inte, men jag accepterar dem som är det. Jag är inte bisexuell heller. Jag är hetero.

Men sedan har jag väldigt svårt att tycka att en kille är snygg också. Det är faktiskt det jobbigaste. När man sitter med vänner på facebook, och så ska de visa "snygga killar" och alla instämmer "ja, han är ju jätte snygg" eller något i den stilen. Men så sitter jag där och kollar på bilden på killen, undrar, var är det snygga?
På stan, på internet, skolkataloger osv. Nej, jag hittar aldrig någon jag tycker är riktigt snygg.
Oftast, tycker jag att dem faktiskt är väldigt fula. Och det spelar ingen roll om ni kommer med tramset "sluta vara så utseendefixerad", för det är jag inte. Men jag har aldrig hört en tjej säga, att hon är tillsammans med någon kille hon tycker är ful och oattraktiv.
Så innerst inne är vi väl alla utseende fixerade?

Men okej. EN kille, en endaste kille får mig att beundra hans skönhet. Det finns alltså EN kille som jag tycker är snygg, men han känns ju ouppnårlig, han ÄR ouppnårlig.
Orkar inte förklara varför, men när jag visar honom så hoppas jag att ni förstår varför.

 Lånad bild.

André Bentzer, modell hos Mikas.
Idag mest känd som modell för JC.

Twisted Memories

2011-02-05, 22:44:04 / Kategori: Allmänt
Vad vore Mtherese utan honom?
Utan killen som förgyllde hennes liv.

Det var tiden då allt gick fel. Då självmord inte var en tanke som var helt bortglömd. Då livsglädjen var så långt ner den kunde komma.
Det var då vi diskuterade om olika sätt att dö på. Då jag föredrog att klä mig som jag kände mig, svart och grå ifall jag var ledsen, och färgglatt om jag kände mig glad. Men några färgglada kläder blev det aldrig.

Sedan kom han, mannen som förgyllde mitt liv, mannen som räddade mitt liv - Ola Svensson.
Tänk vad den artisten har gjort för mig. Tänk vad hans musik har gjort för mitt liv.
Det är helt sinnessjukt, och det finns inte ord för hur tacksam jag är för att han är en del av mitt liv. Det finns inte en chans att jag kommer att sluta lyssna på hans musik, för efter allt jag har upplevt så är han som en livsräddare för mig.
Han är den där killen som kom och räddade mig, sekunden innan jag föll från den där höga byggnaden.
Han är den som fick min livslust att komma tillbaka. Han som räddade mitt liv.

Idag har Ola ett eget skivbolag som heter Oliniho, och han har släppt totalt 3 album under sin karriär som artist.
Det senaste albumet heter Ola och det han har själv släppt på sitt eget skivbolag. Albumet innehåller 10 fantastiska låtar. Bland dem 10 har jag två favoritlåtar, låt 1 (All Over The World) samt låt 10 (Twisted Memories).
Den sistnämnda låten har något som ingen annan låt jag någonsin hört har.
Helt otrolig är den, om man förstår den. Sök gärna på den på spotify eller något :)

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