mthereses -

30 days of HP

2011-10-02, 23:15:06 / Kategori: Allmänt

Detta är vad 30 inlägg kommer att handla om i framtiden.

30 days of Harry Potter

Day 1: Favorite book in the series.
Day 2: Least favorite book in the series.
Day 3: Favorite character.
Day 4: Favorite villian.
Day 5: Saddest moment.
Day 6: Favorite professor.
Day 7: Least favorite professor.
Day 8: Favorite subject.
Day 9: Least favorite subject.
Day 10: Favorite shop in Diagon Alley.
Day 11: Most handsome character.
Day 12: Most beautiful character.
Day 13: Most missed dead character.
Day 14: Favorite book cover.
Day 15: Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament challenge.
Day 16: Favorite Hogwarts house.
Day 17: Favorite animagus.
Day 18: Favorite unforgivable curse.
Day 19: Favorite horcrux.
Day 20: Funniest moment.
Day 21: Most emotional moment.
Day 22: Aspired Quidditch position.
Day 23: Whose pantronus is your favorite?
Day 24: Your own patronus.
Day 25: Favorite Dursley.
Day 26: Favorite wand.
Day 27: Favorite magical ability.
Day 28: Favorite death eater.
Day 29: Favorite Hogwarts portrait.
Day 30: Favorite spell.

Snodde idéen från ;)
Detta kommer inte betyda att jag kommer blgoga varje dag. Men jag kommer att skriva om dessa 30 iaf ;)


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